Customize Candles With Your Printer!
Posted by Rob Errera on 06/15/2020

Today’s task: customize candles with your printer!
Just because the country is starting to reopen, doesn’t mean you can’t still have fun with your home printer! After watching a couple of YouTube videos we figured we could tackle this custom candle challenge no problem.
Beware Operator Error
For the most part – except for some operator error – the project was successful. The first step was adhering tissue paper to a standard sheet of letter-size printer paper. We placed it on our cutting board and trimmed the tissue paper about an inch larger than our 8 1/2 x 11 sheet on all sides.
Next, we use a glue stick to adhere the edges of the tissue paper to the back of our 8 1/2 x 11 sheet. We had to make sure to get the corners tight so this page would feed through our printer without getting jammed.
Inkjet To The Rescue
Speaking of our printer, our Samsung Xpress Color laserJet is on the fritz, so we went with the Canon MX922 inkjet instead. It did an admirable job feeding our tissue paper, and the prints came out sharp and crisp.
The next step was cutting our logos out of the tissue paper, leaving generous room on the sides. If you’re using a detailed photo with a silhouette outline you may want to consider using the same color tissue paper as your candle. Our white candle turned out great because the white tissue paper faded into the wax candle and only the logo remained visible.
Armed with a hair dryer and some tissue paper we made these funky custom candles with our printer!
Safety Gets Ugly
We use the world's ugliest oven mitt, a hairdryer, and a sheet of parchment paper to hold our logo onto the candle. The process of heating the logo through the parchment only took three minutes. Even that may have been too long — we saw some candle wax dripping from the bottom.
Custom Candle Success!
The final results were pretty good. The wax soaked right through the tissue paper, essentially melting it into the candle. The two became sweet! I don’t think the tissue paper will pose a future fire hazard because it is so thin and saturated with wax it should dissolve once the candle burns down.
Overall, this is a customized candle success story!
Burn bright through the night, Toner Buzz candles!